The First F.A.I.R. Meeting

Now we are officially a student organization in our university. Thanks to my Iranian friend Kate, who helped me to promote our idea to her American friends. Now we have four official in our organization. Our president John is an American guy majoring in International Business, and he has served in the army in Afghanistan before. Kate and I are the vice president. Another American guy Mike is our secretary. Now we are expanding our network hoping to attract more people to be our officials.

John is a very typical American, he likes fast food, going to pub every Friday night, working part-time off campus, and studying hard on weekdays while hanging out with friends on weekends. Kate and I are typical international students, we studying hard everyday, working part-time on campus (our F1 visa can only allow us to work on campus), don’t like fast food but we have to eat them, and we hang out with our Iranian friends a lot. I want to change this pattern. Why Americans only hang out with Americans, and internationals only hang out with internationals? Why this two group can’t merge?

Some people said it’s because the eating habit and communication custom is very different. We decided to hold an International Dinner and invite American students to join, let them know how delicious our food are! In the meeting, we did a vote for the International Dinner, almost all American students voted for “YES”. American students are very open when we provide them an opportunity!

In the first meeting today, we have a lot of international students and American students came. International students are not shy at all in the meeting, which was supervised! I think when an international student is together with other international students, they feel comfortable, but when an international students is together with a big group of American students (like what we experienced in the classroom), we feel nervous. It is normal. I hope this meeting will let American students know more about international students.





About Jessie

courage is my creed.
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